The amulets of accounts. How to make an amulet for good luck with their hands.

From very old it is known that the hand of man is natural channels strong movement of energy in the body. And if the fingers of the hands to focus the energy flows, the area of the wrist is always linked with very intense flow of the vital force. Therefore, in all the times the mages and shamans wore bracelets made of materials with the properties of the pets, that is, they affect and what energy passes through the hand and enter the body. In the cultures of primitive peoples, and today there is the tradition of close the place where beats the pulse, broad meshes of accounts. Bracelets made of natural materials such as wood, stone, tusks, are able to protect against the loss of forces, and closed the bracelets on the wrist given to the person the security in difficult situations.

snake of balls

So, for the wristband to serve you a good pet, the first thing is to find the material you need. Take, for example, the glass beads (large accounts). You will also need the thread, chewing gum, thin metal or leather bracelet. The color and the composition of the accounts you choose, in agreement with the recommendations that has previously led. But also and do not forget to trust your intuition. What happens is that your subconscious does tell you that it is best to use. Then you see that in the right way (the humor, the sense of the correction, selection, etc). Bind to different beads in the thread needed, with a clear intention and attitude to the Russian language in the achievement of the objectives that are bet before the pet. If you are making a talisman in the love and relationship with a specific person, take your photo, think about and feel the strength of their feelings and push it out to him. You can use the conspiracy in love, and you can repeat the simple mantra "OM MANI PARMAHAM" is the mantra of protection. Another form of "xlsm your pet" to the reading of the prayer that you like..

Therefore, you can make the cover of a ball or buy it already prepared, but before it is necessary to study carefully his action. Each one is well-known that on the love and the passion says the color red, and, behold, a beading is going to protect you from the bad and evil eye. The same effect can be attributed to the orange, the beads. If you want to be successful in business and to bring in the profits, then it is worth buying or do under yellow accounts with the reflection of the metal. And here is a simple yellow will protect you from the evil eye and spoilage. The intense colors in some people may cause certain disorders, and therefore with them should be a little careful. The fact that you have fear of unrequited love or the lonely life, and advise to purchase a shade of green or blue with beading. And here, just to cleanse the energy and fill it with light, it is worthwhile to make the black or the white under accounts. Violet is going to attract the romance in your relationship.

Working with beads is exciting, that has the property of not only of surprise and captivate, but discreetly to to become a way of life. The beads are widely applied in the manufacture of ornaments and accessories. With the help of lace can turn anything into a work of art. Today, beads made of natural products and artificial materials, of different shapes and sizes. In this master class we will weave pendant (amulet) of balls covered with fabric in the round or, as they say, we're going to knit the outlet. It is necessary to respect some rules: each row of the fabric is closed, and the following series drag from the nearest pearl finished the last of the series. When this technique must be monitored so that the circle was flat. For the circle it was smooth and flat it is necessary to use the uniform accounts of the same size. Mosaic of fabric in a circle, much more complicated than the direct beading or Kosei around the corner. Therefore, if you are a beginner, then we suggest that you first do the exercise in the jewelry more simple. However, the main difficulty at the roundabout take mosaic fabric to achieve a smooth finish izdaniya, for that was not securefiles. Smooth and the quality of pearls, to a great extent facilitates the work.

For the network of coulomb, we will need the following materials:

  • Beads of 4 colors. It is desirable that one of the colours selected was of contrast (me - white).
  • The needle tip-toeing.
  • Crystal beads of 4 mm diameter for the formalization of the suspensions.
  • Monofilament lace or monofilament.

We begin to weave the beads of brown color sweta: chain of the hand of the thread 4 beads color brown, which pass through the thread again, to close in the ring, and tie a knot. Pass the needle with the thread through the first after the knot cord to make the next series.

  • 2 series: paddlelite 1 cord between the beads 1 of the series.
  • 3 series: between the beads of the 2nd row of pidplates of 2 pearls of a yellow color.
  • 4 series: pidplates 1st white bead between yellow pearls, the anterior portion of the series.
  • In the 5th row we are again pidplates not one, but two pearls.
  • 6 series: between the white beads of the previous series of pidplates beads of green color.
  • The following series: pidplates of a brown cord.
  • 8 series: alternative 1 white bead, 2 -, or brown.
  • 9 series: at the top, formed by two or brown pearls pidplates 1 brown and white lace surround ourselves with yellow pearls.
  • 10 series: brown cord the top of the envelop yellow pearls. On the white, cord previous of the series we put 1 white cord.
  • 11 series: on two white pearls we put 1 of brown and yellow beads in it's commitment is 2-mya by the white pearls.
  • 12 series: brown cord previous series surround ourselves with color brown same pearls. Between the two white pearls in is put 2 white pearls.
  • 13 series: On berlinka pidplates 1 white bead, and between the pearls, brown put also a brown color.
  • 14 series: Through the white cord at the top will only stretch the working thread, and between brown continue to brown pearls.

In principle, at this time we can stop the main figure is now visible. And if you need a pendant of small size, you can finish the job. If you decide to work the amulet more, let's go.

  • 15 series: white cord at the top of the envelop two brown pearls. Tissue following 1 yellow, 1 brown and back to 1 yellow. An alternative until the end of the series.
  • 16 series: on the tip between brown pearls earlier in the series we put 1 green cord. Following pidplates: 1 white, 2 yellow, and back to 1 white.
  • 17 series: green cord surrounded by a brown color, then of pidplates 1 yellow, 1 brown, 1 yellow. Repeat until the end of the series.
  • 18 series: the image is now visible as clear, twisted more difficult:) above the top of the green cord put 2 brown white lace from the 16th of the 1 series, white, on, 1 yellow, popahivaet work the thread through brown cord, new pidplates 1 yellow and, finally, again we put 1 white cord on the white of the 16th of the series.
  • 19 series: between brown pearls, the anterior portion of the series fabric brown same pearls (3 units). hereinafter, 1 white, 1 yellow, 1 white.
  • 20 series: yellow to the lace surround, white, ms - 1 brown, 1 yellow, brand new, 1 yellow, 1 brown. Repeat until the end of the series.

We have just the basket, cut line and hiding its purpose. Cut artificial leather or any other thick fabric silhouette of coulomb. If you could not work perfectly smooth suspension and he frowned a little, do not despair. Amperite his irons, and after a few hours, place under the load. Pendant will be the same. Gently sew the back. The pendant is almost ready. Is think until the end some details, for example, the brush. I'm not in this to limit your imagination and give clear instructions. For those who eye-catching knit according to the scheme, and not the description, we present the schema of the network: finally, after a hard work we can admire the result!

The symbolic value of the colors of beads

The pearls many as the more alluring is the color of the variety. If these tiny crystal grains of high quality, is their color, even after several decades not to lose the saturation and beauty. Also the consumer likes its versatility: bracelets of beads, earrings, necklaces. Children are fond of ball to make a ring. Different nationalities that, in their own way, interpreted the color or combination of colors of pearls, however, is a general definition.

White with beading

As the white color, this pearl represents the innocence. Virgin, as the snow of the alps thoughts. Those who are pure acts. Here's what that symbolizes.

Black pearls

Taken under the guardianship of the subconscious a part of life. It is inherent in conservative. He is the guarantor of stability. The stability, the stability of its owner "keeps a firm will on the feet". Fly in the ointment act sadness, the mourning and the pain. It is believed that it symbolizes her. Is the links of the buttons of the night, when queen the subconscious. In many blows of investing, get current depression.

Grey pearls

A kind of mist, that hides a clear outline of something. Therefore, it represents the lack of clarity and subtlety. Activity or not, or rather passive. Grey pearls links of the buttons of stealth. Their owners can detect the ability of self-organization.

Red pearls

Fires of the senses. It affects him in health and fertility. He can help his master with wisdom to fund its budget. In nature it warns them about the incoming threat.

Pink pearls

Solid romance. The kiss of the wind, I put it offers and because of another way you perceive the world around us. To a certain extent is the healer of mental health. He teaches their owners with compassion, to feel empathy. They, along with him, you will receive the quality of the charity.

Orange pearls

The color, the emanating heat. It is a links of the buttons of optimism and love of life. Life with him comes the joy. His owner begins to live with the pleasure. And thanks to him, improves the physical form, the body charged with energy and good cheer.

Yellow pearls

He symbolizes the sun, which will show in bright colors to any gray day of the week. In the east it is considered that the color influences the perception of an individual of new information. Its owners, good students, that they absorb in themselves new knowledge and gain experience.

The color green

Everything will be fine! Where he is, there financial success. Still symbolises fertility, the force of nature. With it, the product acquires freshness.

Blue with beading

The kiss of the wind, and trust. Calm in the sea, the sky clear and without clouds. It helps you communicate with your inner Self and promotes the development of capabilities intuitive.

Brown with beading

The predominant color in the Earth. It is a links of the buttons on the stability, used for a closer contact with nature.

Blue with beading

The sky darkens, the night gives way to the night. The time comes to replenish forces. The ancient knowers of the stones they believed that this makes us think of its owner, moving their bashers.

Purple pearls

Magic the color associated with unidentified and magic. It is a links of the buttons to the man of any religion. Previously, for a long time this color was a noble origin. It is a links of the buttons of power, testifies that your chosen to have a relationship with the top of the light. Beading has a lot of potential, as the small beads can be used as a powerful element of color of magic. Each color has its unique value, that may affect your life. If you learn all the meaning of the colors, find the correct combinations - you can create for yourself a talisman that can bring or leave home. To the other - a lovely thing, and for you - the amulet of balls is a good defender. Choosing colors can be for the simple scheme, and the combination of these - as your fantasy and practice. To make things simple balls are not hard, you don't need special skills or knowledge. This hands-on creative, interesting, and thorough, but very pleasant. The result, also like - created with their own hands the decoration is in itself a powerful energy, and what - since you decide. To create with their own hands, can be any thing - how to turn on and will bring you a lot joy.

The simplest form of this amulet

The simplest form of amulet that you can easily do with your hands - multi-color thread. You will need:

  • Strong thread or cord.
  • Needle pearls.
  • Pearls of color selected (3 to 4 envelopes)
  • Mount the clasp.

Choose from several colors. For example, red (love), orange (nature) and the yellow (the success). Very excellent in the energy plan. Take the needle and thread, get a long thread of pearls, about 130 centimeters. In 2-3 thread of each color. Tighten all the colors together, you begin to weave the hair. It is simple, do not need much time, but you will find it interesting decoration. In the ends to fasten the clasp. It turns out that three of the energy firmly interlaced together, act immediately. If you want to make a bracelet - sufficient and a thread of each color.

Gaitana — you are beautiful, but difficult of the decoration. Probably, you'll have to use the machine the hexagonal wire mesh of accounts. It is an amulet protector, which is a wide, forked from the tape. Those articles, and in ancient times they served as amulets. In them was supletoris special, the ritual of drawings or symbols. You can find the perfect combination for yourself, to decorate your gaitán everything you need. Its shape and color - excellent protection against the undesired effect, the impact on the psyche. In the machine to work to make that a theme is not complicated, but it will take time. Make your own hands more difficult.

Color of the activation energy amulet of balls

To activate the amulet, which is prepared, take the 9 candles of extension of the color scheme. Let the first will be white, then of 7 rainbow colors, and after that - black. Light the candles and focus on your colors. That are closest to the colors amulet color. Your meditation - a tribute to the energies, so that you spend no less than 20 minutes. Say the phrase three times: "As the grass in the meadows grows the will of God, it flourishes and stands as to the fate of my under the protection of a guardian angel is, it is raised, multiplied, no part of me doesn't get. It will be so, because it is. Amen."